Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Key to happiness=Mindfulness

Through multiple years of therapy and different medications the skill of mindfulness has to be my best tool in my tool box of 'helps'. Basically, mindfulness teaches you to feel and act like yourself again by helping you gain a clear mindset to establish your real thoughts and feelings. So often people who struggle with anxiety (myself included) don't see things or people as they really are. We tend to see the world through our biggest fears. However, this only leads to greater depression and anxiety which burrows ourselves further and further into this unrealistic world in our minds. The skill of mindfulness is so simple and quick, however I have found it to be extremely effective. 
Let me give you the basics as told by my therapist...

1. Write a problem or difficult situation in the middle of a blank piece of paper and draw a circle around it.

2. Spend 2-3 minutes and write everything that comes to mind around the center topic- no censoring and pay no attention to spelling or grammar.  

After you write your map ask yourself...

1. Where do I feel body tensions? (I normally feel them very strongly in my hands, jaw, stomach and upper back)

2. Is your mind cluttered or clear? Did your thoughts come slowly or quickly?

3. How do you act when you feel this way?

You are obviously not very productive. The reason is because you have too many requirements. In this sense a requirement is how you want to be and how you want everything in the world to be in every given moment.  What's wrong with that? Well, requirements being met are impossibilities…for example I have a requirement that I get a college degree without having to endure finals week. See- impossible.  I also have a requirement that I not feel stress during finals- also impossible. It's normal to feel stress, but not consuming stress and anxiety.

The reason requirements are impossible to meet is because of two different types of thoughts; the first is the depressor. The depressor (not depressed) is all of our negative self talk thoughts like "I'm not good enough" or "I'm too stupid do this presentation on anxiety".  Then there is the competing companion to the depressor called the fixer. The fixer is always coming up with great ideas to "fix" the problem or make us "better" "think faster" "try harder" "be smarter". The fixer is like pouring solutions to a bucket with a hole in it. You work super hard at pouring things in only to find out there is hole, but for some reason that does not keep you from pouring energy and time into it. And every time you do the depressor will always be there waiting to remind you that in fact you are stupid, dumb, not good enough, hopeless, and worthless. The problem with the fixer is it is always trying to fix YOU, but you are not damaged goods. Essentially there is nothing wrong with you. God created you in His image. To deny this by buying into the depressor and fixer is like believing the lies of the enemy. 

Now do part two of the map. 

1. Turn your paper over and write the same thing in the middle and then be still. The first thing you should is notice the pressure of your body in your chair and the pressure of your feet on the floor- really tune into what your body feels like in your seat. Only focus on your pressure in your seat. If your thoughts turn away like they probably will continue to focus on the pressure. Do this for as long as it takes. Now, at the same time open your ears and notice any background sounds like the sound of the air, the buzz of the lights the birds outside the window. And while you are listening and noticing your body on the chair, I want you to notice the pen in your hand. Does it feel hot, cold, soft, smooth?  Continue to notice sound and touch. If your thoughts drift away that's okay, just bring yourself back to sound and touch. When your body feels calm and your mind feels settled write again. You may have the same thought or they may be different. Just write whatever comes to mind. The whole time notice sounds and touch the pen in your hand see the ink come out of the pen onto the paper. 

Do you notice a difference in your two maps?

Maybe you still feel depressed and it is okay to have any feelings that you may have, but do you have any body tension?
Mind cluttered or clear?
How will you act now?

When we are fully and totally connected to our wellspring of goodness, healing, and wisdom we are fully connected to God and his wisdom. Then our anxiety decreases to a level that is manageable and normal for your particular situation. 

I know this takes practice and takes up your time, but it takes a lot less time than a panic attack does. It is worth it to master this skill.

These days everything is online or on our phones so if doing your excercises on a piece of paper is too much there is an amazing website where you can do it online. Here is the link:http://www.sleepstar.co/home 

1. It is not a character flaw to receive professional help. Sometimes professional help is the only thing that can help regulate you back to your normal self.
2. Anxiety can be overcome.
3. It is a daily battle....stay dedicated.
4. Look at the progress you have made, look back to where you started.
5. Find the little successes in your every day life.
6. Anxiety is not just stress, but it also doesn't constitute you as a mental patient! You ARE normal!

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